
Private Sittings

I have many years of experience carrying out private sittings. Primarily these are conducted within my practice in Somerset in a safe and confidential environment.

Telephone consultation, UK and International

These are arranged at a mutually convenient time and for the duration of approximately one hour. The clients voice vibration enables me to channel information in a clear and concise way. This is equally comparable to a face to face consultation.

Home/Property Clearings

After initial assessment and evaluations, I work in conjunction with a colleague and clear discordant energies affecting the property. These energy clearings are a unique facilitation as healing encompasses not just the property, but also the occupants. Human emotional energy and spiritual presence are balanced – harmonised in a loving and graceful manner.

Personal spiritual development training

This is an exclusively tailored opportunity to experience tuition, mentoring and guidance from a professional experienced medium on a one to one basis with the absolute aim of working totally with the clients potential to progress their awareness and spiritual understanding.


As a fully qualified counsellor I am able to offer counselling sessions by appointment.


Always working for the highest good, healing is available in person or remotely.